Fix Your VW Program
Fix Your VW Program

Do you have a stalled project, system overhaul, or repair that you aren't sure how to do? Maybe you just need an extra hand or you think the repair would be of interest to other members.
This is an educational program intended to teach members about how Vintage VW's operate and give them more insight on how to safely and correctly work on their own vehicles. Submit your vehicle and what repairs are needed below. We will determine if your request will make a good educational event for members. We will then work with you to schedule a day to get together and invite members to help or watch. Your car gets fixed and other members get to learn some VW tips and tricks that they can apply to their own car!

Fix Your VW Program Rules:
1. Members that attend must all bring their own safety glasses.
2. Ideal repairs would be things that can be completed in one day.
3. If you do not have an adequate area to do the repair please let us know, we may be able to arrange another location.
4. The vehicle owner is required to supply all parts, fluids or other materials needed to complete the repair.
5. One hand washes the other, so if you receive help plan to return the favor for another member.
Request Form