The Bug Club was built by its member’s commitment to the VW “hobby” and to the friendships made within the community. To keep the Club going we must continue to learn, grow and evolve with the times. All the ideas for our events and programs come directly from our members new and old.
Do you know someone that’s interested in VWs that might like to join our club? Maybe you pass a VW sitting in a driveway each day on your way to work or see one at a local cruise night or car show.
We have created a new member referral program just for this occasion. We have new eye-catching club business cards that can easily be tucked under a wiper blade or left in a mailbox. These cards will give people a brief overview of what we are all about and have a spot on the back where you can write your name as a referral to the club.
Here’s how it works - Current members write their name on the back of the card & hand them to potential “new” members or leave on a car they see somewhere. When a “new” member fills out the member application we will ask them if they were referred by an existing member.
We will track the names and once an existing member reaches 3 new members in a calendar year, they will receive a free t-shirt.
(A "New Member" is someone who has never been a member in the past)

The idea of this program is to get members involved in growing the club, the free t-shirt is just something to keep it fun.
If you would like cards to hand out, please see me at a meeting or send me an e-mail and I’ll send you some.
Thank you All,